Monitor ECHA and EU Member States activities impacting your substances and products
ChemScan is an interactive dashboard to stay on top of activities conducted by the European Chemical Agency and EU Member States on chemicals, including: Assessment of Regulatory Needs, ECHA Universe of Chemicals, CoRAP, Dossier evaluation, ED assessments, PBT assessments, Harmonised hazard classifications, Restriction intentions, SVHC intentions, Authorisation proposals,
Say goodbye to the hassle of regularly checking ECHA website and stay informed with ease!
ChemScan can be customized so you can easily monitor all ongoing activities carried out by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and Member States related to your substances and products. With a single dashboard you can keep track of new and evolving regulatory initiatives that could impact your business.
ChemScan is a great tool to save time and effort!
By leveraging insights and data, ChemScan deliver added value to multiple stakeholders. ChemScan has already helped several companies and organisations to gain a strategic edge in the marketplace.
ChemScan the has been tailor-made for:
Chemical producers
to keep up with ECHA and Member States activities and to promptly react when public consultations or information requests are launched
REACH registrants and consortia
to promptly identify when their substances are assessed and take strategic decisions on updating their registration dossiers.
Product manufacturers
across a variety of sectors can proactively comply with upcoming restrictions, enhancing their sustainability practices while gaining a competitive advantage.
to easily monitor ongoing fast-evolving activities in Europe. Thanks to the integrated cross-industry-analysis functionalities understand how specific sectors and products are targeted.
Downstream formulators
to anticipate when certain ingredients could be restricted or advisable to be replaced and make more informed decisions on their formulations, gaining time over competitors.
to provide effective and customised monitoring services to their clients, with minimal effort. This allows them to offer a cutting-edge service and increase consultancy business. opportunities.
We offer multiple solutions to fit your needs!
Do you need just a one-time report or you want to continuously monitor ECHA and Member States activities and be alerted in case of updates? Are you looking for a customisable solution to be integrated with your company IT systems? Choose the option that better fits your needs:
One time or periodic report
Customised report based on your substances
Possibility to subscribe periodic reports (e.g. one report every 3 months)
Real-time dashboard
Unlimited substances
Multiple substance portfolios
Interactive dashboard
Unlimited reports
Email alerts
API integration
Full access to our data and monitoring activities
Integration with your company IT systems
Customise functionalities
Download a sample report
Get started
Submit your request today and start to keep track of new and evolving regulatory initiatives that could impact your business